
ORE's 5-year plan has in-principle acceptance at PCI Registered Reports

Zoltan Dienes (2023) How can the experiences of those who engage in video games in healthy and unhealthy ways be systematically organised? Peer Community in Registered Reports. 


Kauraoja V. (2024) [not peer-reviewed] Identifying Empowerment within Game Design. Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies Blog. 

Karhulahti, V. M. (2024). Vitality structures in ‘addictive’ game design. Open Research Europe, 4. 

Martončik, M., Karhulahti, V. M., Jin, Y., & Adamkovič, M. (2024). Psychological predictors of long-term esports success: A Registered Report. Collabra: Psychology, 10(1). 

Karhulahti, V. M. (2024). Interdisciplinary Value. Meta-Psychology, 8. 

Martončik, M., Adamkovič, M., & Ropovik, I. (2024). Network analysis of additional clinical features of (Internet) gaming disorder. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 33(2). 

Martončik, M., Ropovik, I., & Adamkovič, M. (2024). Development of gaming disorder: Underlying risk factors and complex temporal dynamics. Computers in Human Behavior, 153(108112), 108112. 

Lukka, L., Karhulahti, V. M., Bergman, V. R., & Palva, J. M. (2024). Measuring digital intervention user experience with a novel ecological momentary assessment (EMA) method, CORTO. Internet Interventions, 35, 100706.

Karhulahti, V. M., Branney, P., Siutila, M., & Syed, M. (2023). A Primer for Choosing, Designing and Evaluating Registered Reports for Qualitative Methods. Open Research Europe, 3(22), 22. 

Karhulahti, V.-M. (2023). Rekisteröidyt tutkimusraportit Suomen psykologiakentällä [in Finnish]. Psykologia, 58(4-6), 346-351. 

Ropovik, I., Martončik, M., Babinčák, P., Baník, G., Vargová, L., & Adamkovič, M. (2023). Risk and protective factors for (internet) gaming disorder: A meta-analysis of pre-COVID studies. Addictive Behaviors, 139, 107590. 

Lukka, L., Karhulahti, V. M., & Palva, J. M. (2023). Factors affecting Digital tool use in client interaction according to mental health professionals: interview study. JMIR Human Factors, 10, e44681. 

Karhulahti, V. M., Behm, S., & Lukka, L. (2023). Why do adults seek treatment for gaming (disorder)? A qualitative study. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1). 

Adamkovič, M., Martončik, M., Karhulahti, V. M., & Ropovik, I. (2023). Network structures of internet gaming disorder and gaming disorder: Symptom operationalization causes variation. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 

Karhulahti, V. M., Siutila, M., Vahlo, J., & Koskimaa, R. (2023). Life Thinning and Gaming Disorder: A Longitudinal Qualitative Registered Report. Peer Community Journal (e83)

Voikar, V., Casarotto, P., Glerean, E., Laakso, K., Saurio, K., Karhulahti, V. M., & Scherer, A. (2023). The Finnish Reproducibility Network (FIRN): A national bottom-up approach to scientific integrity in a global context. Journal for Reproducibility in Neuroscience. 5(1), e47.

Lukka, L., Salonen, A., Vesterinen, M., Karhulahti, V. M., Palva, S., & Palva, J. M. (2023). The qualities of patients interested in using a game-based digital mental health intervention for depression: a sequential mixed methods study. BMC Digital Health, 1(1), 37. 

Karhulahti, V.-M., Vahlo, J., Munukka, M., Koskimaa, R., & Bonsdorff, M. V. (2023). Videopelaamisen, työkyvyn ja työstä palautumisen suhde : kansallisesti edustava rekisteröity tutkimusraportti [in Finnish]. Psykologia, 58(2), 130-145. 

Karhulahti, V.M. (2022) Reasons for Qualitative Psychologists to Share Human Data. British Journal of Social Psychology. 

Karhulahti, V. M., Siutila, M., Vahlo, J., & Koskimaa, R. (2022). Phenomenological Strands for Gaming Disorder and Esports Play: A Qualitative Registered Report. Collabra: Psychology, 8(1), 38819. 

Karhulahti, V. M., Adamkovič, M., Vahlo, J., Martončik, M., Munukka, M., Koskimaa, R., & von Bonsdorff, M. (2022). Reply to Billieux and Fournier (2022): Collaborative Shortcut to Ontological Diversity. Addiction Research & Theory. 

Karhulahti, V. M., Vahlo, J., Martončik, M., Munukka, M., Koskimaa, R., & von Bonsdorff, M. (2022). Ontological Diversity in Gaming Disorder Measurement: A Nationally Representative Registered Report. Addiction Research & Theory. 


Kauraoja V. (03.12.2024) Positiviset Pelimekaniikat [Positive game mechanics] (invited talk). Digitukijoiden Verkostopäivät, School of Health and Social Studies, JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland.

Kauraoja V. (15.11.2024) Addictive Game Design (invited lecture). School of Engineering, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology, Finland.

Karhulahti, V. (11.11.2024) The State of Gaming Disorder (invited lecture). Games Now! Finland. 

Karhulahti, V. (1.11. 2024) Digipelaamisen kulttuurit [Cultures of Gaming]. Finnish Psychiatric Assocation, Annual Conference (invited lecture). Finland.

Karhulahti, V. (17.10. 2024) Praxeology: a philosophy for open science (invited lecture). School of Psychology, University of Sussex, UK. 

Karhulahti, V. (16.10. 2024) Gaming disorder: the making of constructs (invited lecture). School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK.

Karhulahti, V. (11.10. 2024) RR-tutkimuksen lyhyt historia [The short history of registered reports research]. Tiedejulkaisemisen päivät (invited talk). Univeristy of Oulu, Finland.

Auranen, T. (10-11.6.2024) Sustaining adolescent participants' engagement in longitudinal research – insights from a well-being study with gaming adolescents. Contemplating Qualitative Longitudinal Research: Temporalities, Theories and Methods, Finland. 

Jin, Y. (24. 5. 2024). 게임과학연구의 학제간 연구와 오픈사이언스 접근. 한국게임법과정책학회 공동학술대회/제20회 정기 학술대회.  [Interdisciplinary research and open science approaches to game science. Korean Game Law and Policy Association Joint Academic Conference.] South Korea.

Karhulahti, V. (17-19.6. 2024) I was quit when I came in here, and I'm twice as quit now: a positive academic utopia (keynote). Imagining Possible Futures Conference, Finland. 

Adamkovič, M. et al. (10-12, 6. 2024). Wellbeing and Digital Games: Call for Collaborators from Africa (and beyond) (poster). SIPS Conference ’24, Kenya. 

Karhulahti, V. et al (10-12, 6. 2024) Objectivity in Science? Hosted unconference. SIPS Conference '24, Kenya. 

Kauraoja, V. (17-19.6. 2024) Collaborative ethnography in identification and analysis of game design structures. Imagining Possible Futures Conference, Finland. 

Karhulahti, V. (22-24.3. 2024) Reconstructing Gaming Disorder. Pixelated Perspectives: On the Light and Dark Side of Gaming, Poland.

Kauraoja, V. (22-24.3. 2024) Identifying vitality structures of game design through ethnography. Pixelated Perspectives: On the Light and Dark Side of Gaming, Poland.

Karhulahti, V. (3-4.6. 2024) Centre of Finnish Registered Reports [in Finnish] (invited talk) Open Science and Research Summer Conference, Finland. 

Adamkovič, M. (5.-6.2.2024). Princípy otvorenej vedy (nielen) v kvalitatívnom výskume [Open science principles (not only) in qualitative research] (keynote). QAK 2024: Nové horizonty kvalitatívneho výskumu. Slovakia.

Karhulahti, V. (21-24.5. 2024) Best Future of Esports Research: Meaningful Interdisciplinary Science (keynote). Academic Esports Conference, Norway. 

Martončik, M. & Adamkovič, M. (22.-23.9.2023). Ontologická rekonštrukcia poruchy v dôsledku hrania digitálnych hier [Ontological reconstruction of gaming disorder]. 16. slovenská a 62. česko-slovenská AT konferencia [16th Slovak and 62nd Czech-Slovak AT conference]. Slovakia.

Jin, Y. & Adamkovič, M. (19-23.6. 2023). Scoping Review of South Korean Esports Research and Comparison to the Stakeholder Perception. DiGRA ’23 Conference, Spain.

Karhulahti, V. & Aarseth, E. (19-23.6. 2023) A Typology of Videogame Rewards (abstract presentation). DiGRA '23 Conference, Spain. 

Siutila, M., et al (19-23.6. 2023) Panel discussion: Gaming Disorder Around the World: Overview Through Six Continents. DiGRA '23 Conference, Spain. 

Karhulahti, V. (22-24.6. 2023) What Replicates, Anyway? Duplication in Psychological Science (abstract presentation). SIPS Conference ´23, Italy. 

Auranen, T. (8-9.11.2023) Tyttöjen kokemuksia pelaamisesta ja näiden kytköksiä hyvinvointiin ja elämännäkymiin [Girls’ experiences of gaming and their connections to wellbeing and life prospects]. Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 2023 [Annual Conference of Youth Studies], Finland. 

Karhulahti, V. (23.3. 2023) Forms of Gaming and Related Problems among Adults [in Finnish] (keynote). Pelituki 10 Years Event, Finland. 

Adamkovič, M. et al. (22.-24, 6. 2023). An Open Collaboration Call for Qualitative Duplication: Gaming (Disorder) in Underrepresented Countries (poster). SIPS Conference ’23, Italy. 

Karhulahti, V. (31.8.-1.9. 2023) Sharing data via Finnish Social Science Data Archive [in Finnish] (invited talk). MethodsFestival Conference 2023, Finland. 

Adamkovič, M. (26.-27.1.2023). Registered reports v kvalitatívnom výskume [Registered reports in qualitative research]. QAK 2023: Punk v kvalitativním výzkumu aneb „Kvalita is not dead”. Czechia.

Karhulahti, V. (9.10. 2023) Reasons to Share Human Data. Part of the "Open Science and Qualitative Methods" panel at Research Methods e-Festival 2023. National Centre for Research Methods (international online conference). 

Auranen, T. (3-4.11.2022). Making sense of adolescents’ meaning-making of video gaming through phenomenological interviews. Social Sustainability for Children and Families (SOSUS) seminar Families and Childhoods in Flux, Finland. 

Jin, Y. (17. 11. 2022). 게임이용장애의 존재론적 재구성 [Ontological reconstruction of gaming disorder].  게임문화심포지엄 [Game Culture Symposium]. South Korea.

Auranen, T. (9-10.11.2022) Making sense of adolescents’ sense-making of digital/video gaming through phenomenological interviews. Nuorisotutkimuspäivät 2022 [Annual Conference of Youth Studies], Finland.